NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Truck & Jeep Fest Feb 26 & 27

Have not decided yet if I'm going. I did meet some cool people there and bought a few low cost items last time I went.

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I will prob go since it is so close to me and free.

Yea I'm not sure yet.

Just depends on the weather and all.

Should be raining and very cold. So indoor activities may be the way to go.

Met the Offroad video Guru Rick Russel there 2 years ago.

Bought a few of his videos. Hope to shoot for him someday.

I will be there at 10 this morning, probably lurk for an hour or so.
ARB f bumper $700
hows it look for FJ parts?  Was thinking about going when I get off work at 3.

The only FJ specific part I saw was the one ARB bumper on sale.

Rigid Ind. has a nice led light bar for the FJ in their catalog.

I gave up on this show last year after the disappointment of the lack of anything non-jeep.

Yeah totally lame like usual. It's only a couple minutes from my place so I took my daughter to go on a sticker hunt.




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