Whats goin on everyone. I met a bunch of NorCal Fj people out at Hollister the other day. I actually went out with another forum group, but they mainly wanted to take pics and talk. So I wandered off and met up with pitbull and you fj people and was very glad to find out everyone was down to go wheel and actually USE there junk. So.... I'll be over here as well to try and tag along on some wheelin trips!!!
Welcome bro! Your rig is a beast. Yeah I have put almost 35,000 miles on my rig and owned it for a year this Febuary. So yes, we like to use are rigs...lol...see you on the trails.
WElcome Phil !! Your Rig is just sick.. YOu know you have enough travel when your pass side front goes up high enough to knock off the windshild wiper res line.. Truly fantastic !!!