@ ECM Laborites (Willow Glen Testing Grounds) has begun research \ search for a repeater controller that would allow you to connect two hand held radios together via the mic\speaker connectors to allow cross band repeating:
The goal is to have the CB operators be able to talk to the FRS operators and visa-versa while on a trail run.
a specific channel would be assigned per band; say channel 4 for both FRS & CB
I need help finding a repeater controller - what I have found so far (but haven't heard back from the guy);
http://www.swssec.com/rpt-1_repeater_interface_for_i.html which also means I don't know how much this prebuilt unit will cost. Push come to shove I'll get mad scientist on it and build one but I'd rather have a source to buy it so that folks here on the list could build up their own systems.
what I'm planing is to use my GP68 (commercial hand held UHF) connected to a Midland hand held CB with external antennas on my rig;