NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Surf N Turf 2011
Date: November 4-6 (Friday-Sunday)

Location: Oceano Dunes SVRA

Camping Fee: $10.00 per day per vehicle

Communications: FRS 7-31, CB 31

Website: Ultimate Surf N Turf 2011

Mob List: Surf N Turf 2011 Mob List

RSVP on the NorCal FJs Surf N Turf 2011 calendar event!

It's that time of millennium again...the ultimate (as in last) official Surf N Turf. NorCal FJs will continue the tradition with the Taj Mahal (aka The Flying V) complete with multiple fire pits, kitchen area and the infamous NorCal Bar. Also, BozTec steps up once again to sponsor our Saturday night dinner with tri-tip and chicken!


Camp configuration will be posted within the next week or so. The camp will be configured to accommodate early risers, families, and night owls. If you wish to volunteer with set-up, please PM potatomutato.


Additional information will be added leading up to the event, so be sure to follow this discussion or check back often!



Q: Does Tread Lightly! apply to this event even if it is on sand?

A: Yes, in that you need to pack out what you pack in, leave the place as clean (if not cleaner) than you found it, and have what you need in case you break something and oil leaks. Dumpsters are conveniently located on the beach on the way out and we make occasional garbage runs with available trailers (based on availability) to make things easier for you. Also, if you plan to dig out a seating area or build a large sand structure, please be sure to fill it back up or knock it all down before leaving.


Q: Do I need a dune flag for my vehicle?

A: Yes. Although you do not need one in the camping area, you will definitely need one out in the dunes, so be sure to purchase one before heading into camp. Flags are available at shops on the streets leading into the SVRA.


Q: Do I have to air down my tires?

A: It is recommended you air down to help prevent stuckage. Depending on the type of tires, many air down to 13-18.


Q: How do I prevent my tent from blowing away in the wind?

A: Although there are many different ways, the two most common are tying your tent's guylines around sandbags and burying them or tying the guylines to a short 2x4 piece of wood and burying it.


Q: Should I bring firewood?

A: Although we try to have firewood delivered and have everyone pitch in a few bucks to cover the cost, extra wood is good and appreciated. Please do not bring any wood with nails in it, like pallets.


Q: I want to bring beverages with me. Is glass OK?

A: No, please refrain from bringing glass as much as possible. Cans are best and remember to pack out what you pack in!


Q: Is night duning allowed?

A: Yes, venturing out into the dunes after dark is always fun and a bit eerie. However, please keep in mind the following: 1) Do not venture out into the dunes alone (single vehicle), 2) Be familiar with how to drive in the dunes, and 3) Do not drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs.


Q: This is my first time driving in the sand, let alone dunes. Will there be any lessons?

A: We may set up newbie runs if there is demand.


Q: What is the speed limit on the dunes and on the beach?

A: 15 MPH on the beach and camping area. DO NOT even think about speeding in these will be ticketed! Also, please keep in mind that there are children along the shoreline and in camp as well as other OHV vehicles that may not be easily seen. Out in the dunes, use the appropriate speed for the terrain and never blindly crest over a dune without knowing what/who is on the top or other side.


Q: What is the food and beverage situation?

A: Saturday night, BozTec will be sponsoring a tri-tip and chicken BBQ. You must be in the AllCal Republic camp or known to NorCal or SoCal FJ Cruisers to participate. Other meals are on your own, but we always have a kitchen area available for you to bring in your camp stoves and prepare meals. We usually end up sharing bites as well. Please do not show up empty handed expecting to be fed.

If you do not wish to eat at camp, there are some good restaurants in the area. Grocery stores and gas stations are also within a five mile drive.

The NorCal bar will be in effect again. Although it will be stocked, good donations are always welcome.


Q: I plan to rent an RV. Can I park it at camp?

A: Yes, but please contact potatomutato for placement options.


Q: When is the group photo know, the one with over 50 FJCs?

A: Saturday morning around 10:30 AM before the Poker Run. Meet just south of our camp...just look for all the FJCs.


Stay tuned for more FAQs! If you have any questions, please post up below. Please do not forget to RSVP on the event page as well.


Equipment List

EZ-UPs -- 10x10 unless otherwise noted

  • potatomutato (3)
  • BozTec (2)
  • BigFish (1 - 10x20)
  • PBnFJ (1)
  • FJ Scout (10x10)
  • NekGuda (1 - 10x12)
  • Bossquatch (1)
  • twelve1 (1)

Sandbags: potatomutato, Bobonel, FJ Scout

10x10 tarp with grommets: potatomutato, NekGuda (various sizes), FJ Scout

10x20 tarp with grommets: FJ Scout, potatomutato

Tables: BozTec, BigFish, BoboNel, Daniel May

Grills (large): BozTec, Bossquatch, Daniel May

Grills (small): Bossquatch, potatomutato

Firewood: BigFish, NekGuda, FJ Scout, FJ Drivin

Extra strength garbage bags: FJ Scout, potatomutato

Caution/Police tape: BoboNel, Daniel May, potatomutato

Reflective stakes for boundary marking: potatomutato

NorCal Bar: potatomutato, NekGuda


AllCal Republic Base Camp at Surf N Turf 2011

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It was awesome and just great to see everyone, it's like one big family!  Thanks all for being soooo cool!!

wish I could have stayed for the big party night, but the job thing got in the way. It felt weird being the first one to leave ;->>

I'm on the east coast now thinking about all the good beer I missed on Sat


YA! being the first to leave is MY job. See that it doesn't happen again.

Good to see you Ken.

lol Steve, your'e right!

I was first in and almost last out.  Great seeing "everyone" : )

My first SnT and i had a BLAST! it was awsome meeting new people and hang with the ones i already knew! Good times Good times

I finally had a chance to throw my photos together.  Enjoy.


Thanks, Trish! :)


Very nice!

: )

 I brought a little Pismo to Danville today.   I did an "Amsoil" oil change and spilled some of the old oil on the driveway.  I just grabbed a few handfuls of sand off my floorboard and covered it and it worked awesome! 

YAY AMSOIL! the fuzz machine will love that sweet amsoil nectar

 I can already tell my truck is happy : )    

now we gotta do the diffs




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