NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California


One group will be departing Thurs to get to Hungry Valley early to save some camp spots. The other will be leaving Friday.

When: Thursday, May 21. Time TBD...
Where: PM Potato Mutato for more info...
CB Channel: 31
FRS Channel: 7/31

When: Friday, May 22. Meeting at 7:30am and departing at 8:00am
Where: Shell Gas @ Exit 441, Howard Road off Hwy 5 in Westley, CA‎.
CB Channel: 31
FRS Channel: 7/31

See link for more information...Link

Lets get a list here going for the people interested, remeber this is tentative list:
1. daPitbull
2. potatomutao
3. Boss73
4. DocME
5. C4B
6. F@kken
7. Bz Wires
8. suecyde
9. cyplik
10. PBFJ
11. CA Annie, MoabFJ, Abbey
12. Bozly
13. Motordrive
14. OPG4759
16. AjayCruiser
17. Sonof40
18. BigFish

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cough, cough... I think you might be coming down with something.
You don't want to get your co-workers sick.
nose is running, vision is blurred, major headache, and do they want to pay you to sit on the toilet doing #3 all day? LOL.
Please ad me to the early group.
My bud had a couple of bug zappers I'll see if they are still in working order maybe a pop up but w/o the sides....
I've got one of thse Gazeebo things...

It didn't work very well (pretty flimsy in the wind), but it might work better if you duct-tape the connections. I'll bring it IF I dont have to bring it BACK! It's been in my garage for years. I was about to throw it away.
No screen... just the topper
if anything, bug zappers should be fine. i've got a few mosquito coils to disorient pests too. we've cooked with mosquitos, hornets and moths flying around. luckily, only one (a moth) chose to dive bomb into my bowl of chili. it must've wanted to go to heaven with the taste of delicious jalapeno chili on its proboscis.
I am working on two large pop ups and two 10X10s. I should have three for group to use. Sorry - no screens. I also plan to bring a few tables. Is there a tentative early group meeting time yet? I see arrival is planned for 10:00 am. I was thinking of running down the valley Thursday night. Signs to indicate the large group might be in order as well. Has anyone talked to the park headquarters to give them a heads up?

Also, is anyone interested in an ammo box for 5 bucks? I have about 25 to bring if there is interest. I also have some recycled CHP map/reading lights.
I'd be in for a couple ammo boxes.
I'm down for a couple of boxes.
BigFish good to meet ya yesterday

I'll take an ammo box, which ones do you have?
I'm in for an ammo box.




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