NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

ever since i joined the FJ forum in Japan and began corresponding with folks like paul, Toshiki and gur, i've been interested to see what types of mods and accessories accompany the FJC's introduction in Japan.


the other week, PBn'FJ told me about the different factory rack he saw/heard about and it was validated today when i received a nice package from paul. in the package were the introductory brochures and a cool DVD that i have yet to view.


so i thought i'd share some of the unique differences in accessories. i'm sure the aftermarket will grow just as it did here and i will share any info i come across. so far, most of the aftermarket mods are from the States.


some of the accessories can be found on the JAOS site.

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The FJ in the picture looks like it's set up to cruise the trails of down town Tokyo LOL. : )

O.K. everybody.

So I went out and spent the big bucks for the "new" factory rack and had toyota install it.

1. The only thing new about it is a slight differance in the rear connecting piece.

2. I gotta take it back because they didn't put it on right.

In conclusion...meh. : l

wow, yeah, that's definitely not the one on the FJCs in Japan. did you notice any difference with the crossbars?

No man.

Everything except the rear connector seems the same from what I can tell.

154lb. weight limit.

Meh. meh. meh. and double meh.

: l : l : l




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