hey gang, we're back to CA Annie and MoabFJ's pad for the 5th Official Install Day and Meet & Greet.
Date: Sunday, August 16, 2009
Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
3065 Richmond Parkway, Richmond, CA - the green pointer is the entrance to the gate-secured lot where we will be hosting the social.
More information: The area used for the install day is a gate-secured parking lot and has a small picnic area. The lot can easily accommodate a little over 20 rigs. Bring your own food and beverage...your own tools would help too, but feel free to inquire about needed tools beforehand.
install days are a great way to seek that extra hand you need to get that bumper on or learn how to do simple installs yourself. these events are also meet & greets, so it's the perfect way to see what others have done to their FJCs and to meet members of the NorCal FJs.
if you have an item you'd like to install or need help with, please post up.
the 6th Official Install Day and Meet & Greet will be held in the Sacramento area this fall. date and location TBD.