FJ Cruisers of Northern California
These trails are all right next to each other just above shaver. Me and my buddies are planning on scouting these trails within the next month so I can plan a run. If you want to join us I would suggest a lift of 3" or more and slidders just because its been 10 years sence my last trip there, and I dont have any clue what we are going to run into. Hense the reason for the recon trip before event planning. West lake is base camp and the trail is only 1/4 mile to 1/2 mile long. When I get a date I'll post it here but you will need to meet up with us because its a BI** for I will post a few videos mind you alot of the videos are on the buggie lines in the trail not the easy lines.
red lake
Me and my bother maybe interested.....pending dates.
I just requested the week of the 13th off next month. I'd be down to go the weekend before or some time that week.
Still in the planning stages but I will be sure to let everyone know as soon as I know when its going to happen.
Im in Shawn, just let me know the dates. Also if camping is available. Its too long of a drive for a day trip run.
I'm up for this, will keep an eye on the thread.
No problem guys My buddy went to strawberry with some jeep guys today I told him to let me know how that trail is so we can run that one with red lake He took a stock high tacoma up there. For camping we usually 4x4 into west lake and camp the strawberry trail head is in that camp ground. Ill see with this new job what my days are going to be so I can fix this run.
New job? Since Bald Mountain? Congrats!
Yes a very well paying one after all these years... lol thanks
I'm down depending on the date..
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