NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

I'm doing my bmc's this Friday, and will need to get them welded up. I have access to an awesome portable Miller MIG welder, but have zero experience welding - only cutting ;-)

The MIG welder belongs to my next door neighbor and he says its cool whenever i need it, but I'd like to give him a little heads up before it happens.

Soo, I'll provide as much IPA / pizza /BBQ /compliments as you need, in exchange for some really good welds.

I'm in Alameda - close to the old navy base.

Deal ?

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I know there's a lot of us that need our BMCs capped... Maybe we should get a weld/ipa/pizza/BBQ/compliment party together in the near future.
I'm in for that! I've needed my BMC welded up months ago!

Ask BZ he can do it! give em a call or pm him

Let's do it!

When? I'm in need.

Chop chop !!!


Wow you went to town on that mount lol

I figured might as well go for the big enchilada  as long as I was down there.... wasn't necessarily easy with all the tight space. I toasted 2 brand new sawzall blades in the process - and ground a nice little divot into my left index finger with the grinder while I was at it !

That whole process has been on my to do list a long time. That and tires to go with it... :-) Anyone have pics of exactly where they chopped theirs?

I had a very mild BMC done. I run 285 KM2s and was kinda worried they were going to rub before install so had it done thanks to Seth. No rubbing at all. With a bigger tire, you might need a aggresive BMC.

In the future, I might be able to help out with this.  I have a Millermatic 185 (220V) MIG welder in a shop out on the navy base in Alameda.  I worked as a welder fabricator once upon a time (hence, my screen name, Blowtorch Betty - I used to flame cut custom countertops out of 1/2" steel plate) and I might still be able to make some respectable welds :)  The machine needs a little tuning right now, but for future BMC welds, I'd be happy to help if anyone's interested.  Will work for beer.  The welder might be moving off the base to a different shop in Alameda some time soon.




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