NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

For most of you here the answer is obvious.
I am also wondering if I should get a lift soon or not.
Therefore, before I decide I would like to learn more, especially about consequences and disadventages of a lift, which are usually not discussed...

For example, I realize that it is almost impossible to park in most parking structures with additional 3-4". I have just learned that it may be impossible to change a flat tire (unless using a hi-jack, which requires new bumpers). Are there any other things I should be aware of ? Any faster wear of car components ? Lower gas mileage ?

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How much of a lift are you looking into? I have a 6 inch lift with 35 tires. In my opinion, i can't make particular curvy turns unlike stock and 3 inch Fjs (it feels unsafe). If you have sliders you should be fine with a hi-lift to jack up your FJ.

Visibility wise, i actually may see better with my lift. I like being able to see ahead of the vehicle that's in front of me.

Another thing is that my gas mileage was already effected due to the arb bumper/winch and 35 tires so the suspension only added a small portion to it. hehe.
I am thinking about 3" lift using a kit from ToyTec or Icon stage 2 and later add 285/70R17 tires.
Lower gas mileage for sure, with bigger tires and the extra weight of skid plates you'll give up a couple of miles.

Parking garages, haven't noticed it but I don't go into that many.

Changing a tire, 285's, which is a great size with a 3" lift, are not that much bigger than stock so at worst the OEM jack on a block a few inches thick would work fine.

As far as handling, I still drive it kind of like I drove our Z4, just not "quite" as aggressively and I feel little difference from stock.

Having to do it again with expectations of going off road, I would only do it sooner but that's just me.

Good luck on your decision.
Are there any other things I should be aware of ? Any faster wear of car components ? Lower gas mileage ?

Price of the lift is just the start, I look at it as a luxury and will always cost more than stock... If its your only vehicle and you need it every day it probably should be way down on your list.

Yes too all,
I get 13 mpg on a good day,
its more stress on lots of components, tire wear, etc
warranty is up in the air, 4wheel parts sells a modified vehicle warranty,
changing a tire? your a arms on the front and rear axle are still the same height so you can always stick the jack there.
height? yes I knocked off my cb antenna at In and out drive thru, top of my rack is 7' 3". Most condo car ports or garages are out.
climbing in and out is tough on the shorter people. sliders make good steps.
We two stock FJs, added 3'' lift, rails, ATs and MK2 tires, CBs, FSRs, tools, one highlift, one 12V air system, lots of gas and went to Moab last March. The lift made more areas accessible without crashing the rails. We had 250 miles off road by the end of 3 days. We did not do anything real crazy like some of the other NorCalers ( and you know who you are).

Lift away! The 3" lift was easy to do.
I love my 3" lift but I definitely notice a difference in mileage. Of course I have aggressive tires and a huge rack (ON MY ROOF OF COURSE), so those things most likely contribute more. going with larger tires can cause a bit of a slow down in acceleration and braking, but a $300 cold air intake more than compensates. As far as handling, I don't notice too much of a difference. I gladly trade the visibility advantage for a slight loss in my ability to take corners at speed. I do have a cold air intake and TRD exhaust, so those two things are definitely equalizers, but I feel that I can still pass, accelerate and turn better than most trucks and ALL jeeps. Of course there are off road obstacles that I used to be unable to tackle or just cringe at, and now I just cruise over them. All I have is an Old Man Emu lift, but I love it. On average I think with all of my add on parts I have lost about 4 mpg.
My short answer is that I wouldn't take back the lift. I kept my Bilstien TRD shocks in case I regretted the choice & they've been in a box for two years...
go for the lift, but you may wanna start small and economical unless your planning on 4wheeling all the time. think about what type of wheeling (fast or slow?)If your planning on off roading allot you'll want a $50 hi-lift anyway, what every one else has said is true. You own a fj not a prius so forget about fuel economy, Old Man EMu is affordable ($800 parts) and won't mess with your warranty. Stay out of garages and park more in the woods good luck!
Take out yoru FJ and see what it will do first. After you see what it can do try to decide what kind of wheeling that you want to do and then build your rig accordingly. I still have my spacer lift on my FJ and love it. It did everything for me that I wanted and I only spend $250 for parts, and did the install myself. (group buy)

Gas miliage will go down when you lift. Just the way it is. Then you get bigger tires and protection and it goes further and further south.. Its real hard to get the best for on road as well as off road, there is always somehting that is lost somewhere.
"there is always somehting that is lost somewhere"

Read, "There is a cost for EVERYTHING"
Is it a good book
magic you reading all the good feed back???? told you that we've got some good spacers for you for cheap,and you could possibly instal these at the pully party this sun at ca annies and be done!
try it you will like it ! we did! Only reason we went with full susp. is cuz stock struts and springs couldn't handle the weight of our mods any longer!

Fyi feel free to let us know you getting this. cya
I remember what you have said/offered...I am still thinking on what should I do about it.
How high are your spacers 2 or 3" ?




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