NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

just got back from SnT. had a blast in the sand until the sand blasted back with the help of strong winds beginning on Saturday afternoon.

here are some highlights:
* the caravan on Friday!
* the night wheeling
* Suecyde's jump
* happy hour
* Cypilk's night vision videos
* ANGRY BARBER's train horn and megaphone
* ...definitely not the wind
* ...add your highlights to this discussion!

i'll post up the few photos i took later tonight after i get the sand out of places that it shouldn't be. i know there were some great videos taken as well.

great time overall! nice meeting/seeing everyone. thanks to everyone for pitching in, having a great time and keeping spirits up even during the "sandstorm."

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I just uploaded all my picts. I hope someone took a bunch of camp picts, cause that was one awesome camp!

I think next time we'll stay in a motel, and just show up every morning with tons of wood (and beer), then haul all the garbage out every night. Day one & two were so misleading... no wind, no mist... just lovely, beautiful ocean scenery and DUNES! Cant believe the way that wind kicked up on Saturday afternoon! I heard on the radio on the way home that those were Gail Force winds. Freakin A!

I got about 30 minutes of sleep Saturday night, then woke up with my eyes and mouth full of sand! I had to buy an eye-wash kit in Pismo on the way out, they were so messed up. I had Lasik surgery last year, I'm not supposed to get more than a few ounces of sand in my eyes at at time. They were overloaded Sunday morning, to say the least!

I slept about two hours in the truck on the way home (I never do that) then another three hour nap after my shower. What a trip! I still need another day off!

It was a BLAST, and STEVE made it a BLAST. What a set up! Cant thank you enough for the shirts, flags, stickers, happy hour... everything! Steve#2 also came through with that great awning set up. Think we had four Steves and two Marks :)

We only brought back four beers, so that worked out well, and I gave away the last third of that Makers Mark at midnight Saturday to one of the US Vets that was with us on the Rubithon. He about cried...

We'll definitely do that again. Just follow BRANDON and do what he does!?!?
HEY you had fun !!

I was following him around HE HE except for the jumps!!
Where can I post up the video? It's too long for YouTube...
too long time-wise or file size-wise? if it is the former, then you may have to cut it down into two parts. if it's the latter, then some optimizing of resolution size may be in order. i can edit it if you want.

No wonder you guys were bugging out early Sunday morning. I was finally getting out to hit the dunes when you all rolled by. The wife and I had a great time, it was her first time 4-wheeling. Thanks Steve for everything.
Yeah, saturday was a fun day on the gas pedal.
enough chatter...where are those night vision videos?! LOL
Funny you ask, because on my other browser window, it is uploading. The file is 83.6MB and all I have to say is, you guys are in for a treat!
sik vid man!

I didn't get much of the daytime run because I was more busy having fun. But if someone were to take a video of that, the video would be five times better.

During high noon poker, all of the trucks gunned out and mashed their gas pedals to form a stampede through the dunes of the beach. There was traffic and total chaos, the dirt bikes and atv's had to stop to let us go around them. I haven't ever seen so many people get stuck in every dune at the same time, while everyone is trying to scramble and get to the next poker spot.
Just ask PuckerFactor :)

That was insane and I couldn't get much of any good footage of that nor the jumps because I was mostly in it :)

I'll definitely go next year, where's the post?
Wind, what wind ? I did'nt feel a thing. Oh is that because I slept in a trailer LOL !!! I feel for you folks in tents, I used to do that at Pismo but got the toy hauler trailer just for that occasion. Wish I was closer to your guys and gals camp, maybe next year. I'm looking for a setup that helps fight the wind, an open top encloser that a person can setup around a camp with an exit and an entrance. We'll see, til next time,

Ranger Jim aka (West Ranger)




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