NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

I will be heading out to the gun show at the cow palace Sunday morning.
Anybody else going?

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Dang, I'd go but I'm OOT.
Oh this seems interesting, do you have more info about this gun show? I've never attended one in the US
I've been to a million gun shows, so I'm not going.

Alessio, in Texas, gun shows look like this:

Rows and rows of tables with guns and ammo. Here in CA there are less tables and less guns. They generally sell mace/bear spay, hunting/camping/camo stuff, tshirts, survival & military manuals, etc. A real GUYS day out. It's interesting if you've never been to one. Especially for non-Texan's :)

Usually an entrance fee of $8 or so.
Any chance to test them out? I guess they do not have a shooting range right?

Anyway, it seems I'll be free on Sunday, so I might very well go. Where is the place?
Test them out???


Thats funny man......

WOw is that how gun show are in Europe ??? Man if so that would be cool..

Sorry I am out but man seem lik eit woul dbe fun....

No, I've never been to any gun show in Europe. All that I know is that it is quite inexpensive to rent guns at the range - but of course the selection is somewhat limited.
maybe the last one in vallejo sssucked
Ya I'll go.
Did someone say it is free on Sunday? I know parking is $8.
The show starts at 9am, Mark wanted to go fairly early. It's the last day of the show, so they'll start shutting down in the afternoon.

Call or text Mark if you'd like to coordinate a meet up... He's asleep now - Christmas Beer was a Success!

Sometimes they run coupons in the Sunday paper.

Have fun - Ann
Not a great show, BUT big fun for me.....
8 more days....found any ammo yet? Let me know when you go to Chabot.
nice! good luck with the ammo.




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