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Have hear it was closed here and another half dozen sites but looks like it may be open?

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I wonder if there just isn't a gate on the trail?

Best to check with Eldorado forest ranger.

Closed. It was part of the 42 trails closed this year. Unless something changed. As daPitbull suggested, the ranger would be the best person to ask.

I stoped by the start of Deer Valley trail about a month ago and there was no gate or signs on the hwy 4 end indicating any sort of closure. From the tracks I saw on the trail it seamed to be getting some use. I assumed the trail was probably posted or gated closer to the meadow portion of the trail. This still would leave a lot of accessible interesting trail to run "out and back". Anyone have any info on trail status?

If the trails are being used, it is being used illegally.

OK - I guess that's the info then. - Closed.

The expeditionportal run of strawberry pass trail must have been on a closed trail, unknown to the poster since he didn't check the motor vehicle use map for Eldorado NF.

Yes. I, like many others are not pleased but we must educate others as illegal use will just add gasoline to the fire for the other side.


Well I believe in the "Leave no trace"/ "Tread Lightly" philosophy, plenty to do without causing problems, seems like it's pretty easy to just check in before you head out but I know a lot of people don't, thanks for checking on it Ghost.

yup, no worries.

It sure would be nice to have a tread lightly type sign posted on the beginings of these trails to inform potential users of the trail status. This would help to keep the uninformed from accidently using the trail and in the process shooting our cause in the foot.

Yeah, if only.




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