Ok, so I'm looking into getting a set of spacers (1.25") from SPIDERTRAX. I have heard some concern in the past from folks claiming rotor issues? Spidertrax are hub-centric, so is this in fact an issue? Does anybody have any negative experience with these spacers, and if so, what would you recomend?
Yes. Trish and I know now why you did not want to go with us...here is how the desert looked like:
I spent 4 hours this morning removing surface mud (now it is hard as concrete)...on a good side: the mud layer silenced my muffler and eliminated all squeaks and rattling :)
It was my best run so far though...it was fun and very active...not only driving and photos: i.e. I finally got a chance to use my shovel and a tow strap. Trish does not have cb hooked yet so we used FRS. I will test my CB next time. (I should start a new thread)
oh man, I have just cleaned my truck...this mud, when dry, is solid as concrete. I wasnt able to scrape it off with a screw driver nor high pressure water