NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Monache Meadows & Sherman Pass Area
Sept 13-15 (14th is main day)

Open invitation

We will be driving, navigating, and signaling other off road teams, giving and receiving instructions that we find in previously hidden geotactical caches. The course is "unknown" until you begin to run it. To top it off we are having a sensory deprivation  "Night Op" on Saturday the 14th. 

Here's a preview of the area we'll be link
This is a free group run I'm setting up with a little help from my friends.

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Aerial Pic was taken with my electric helicam chasing Adam Spiker's FJ and Serge's Hummer.

Bummer that it falls on the same weekend as Step~Cal's fall festival. This sounds like a really cool event.

Sorry bout that! We'll be in this area again soon.

Thanks for the post Chris. I plan to attend this time. Been talking with Ken Manning about it.

then you probably know Kenny is the blue FJ in all our videos...look forward to meeting you. What kind of radios do you carry...i.e. HAM, FRS, or CB?

Here's some free maps of the area to download and print from CalTopo: link

Chris… this adventure look totally badass!!!!!! 

If I wasn’t working that weekend and broke as a joke, I would be so down to go!  How often do you run these things?

Hey Dominator,

The ops are very labor intensive to plan and setup so we only do 4 per year. Next one is Nov 9. Then probably February (SAR). Basically every 3-4 months.

Save your money for gas and join us when you can.

Chris, Land Ops

Wish i could do this one but timing is off for me but already RSVP for the November one.

I'll be there!

Awesome! Watch for our members email listing $2955 in additional prizes (in addition to the posted prizes) that just got donated for this event. It's gonna be good!




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