NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

OK I know the FJ is not a race car.. Espically when you have Bud's and a BOZ-Tec Skid.. Its a truck for crying out loud.. 


Its also been well known then I have always thought that a short throw shifter was useless fo the FJ...

Until of course I got one and put it in. Then I found out that I was wrong about having a short throw shifter.. (not the first time I have been wrong, or the last I know)  


Then comes this morning. When approching a stop light that was red, I was in the first lane which ended about 200 yards after the intersection with a stock Honda Civic Next to me in # two lane. I thought I would just roll past this guy when the light turned green. Instead, he took off and it kind of surprised me. Next thing I know I was hitting  it to the floor and grabbing second gear and I stared to pull away.. It was kind of funny, that my big old, heavy truck was pulling away, but it was...   I have to think it was the short throw cuz the rev's barely dipped from first to second..


It was just kind of funny.. Mostly cuz I do not normally drive the FJ this way either...


Well thoguht I would share my morning story, and share a laugh...  ha ha ha ha har har har hahaha...



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Good job Tony. Bet it surprised the other guy as well.

hahaha. I've done the same thing since changing over.


The Fast and the Furious

you need some cheesy graphics and a big wing.

Yeah,  giant whale tail styled wings, maybe some plastic ground effects.   I still have Voung's license plate cover that says: "Drifters do it sideways"...if you need it to be a cool Honda Civic kind of guy, just let me know Tony. 

From "Bosscwoch to "TurboFJ".

As fun as it was, I have no plans on making the FJ a Drifter !! I will have to find an old Dtsun or Toyota and make something cool..

Bossquatch with the Holeshot! nice!!!!

Well ,we both kind of took off at the same time.. but I did come out in front !! hehehehe

Yeah, it's nice not having as much lag in between gears. It's something you don't appreciate as much until after you get one =D
True Dat !!
Yeah a proper short-throw shifter is a must in a manual vehicle. One of these days I'm going to have to raise the subaru and bring it out to Hollister and try truck hill....=)
Hell yeah! can I drive?




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