NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Last chance to opposed AB144 which strives to eliminate the open carry law in California. If you are concerned about your Second Amendment rights I urge you to reach out to your assembly person. 


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Message sent to Joan Buchanan. 15th dist.
Well...lost that fight......its at the senate...not looking great. I guess its because most gangsters and thugs usually open carry their weapons...*sigh*
No, it's because we have a few idiots who want to strut around Starbucks packing a gun and jambing their version of the second amendment down everyone's throat.
I'm a gun owner, and pro gun rights, but I have never seen a worse example of how to shoot yourself in the foot - no pun intended.
I think there is a time and a place for open carry and its not at starbucks.
This is a perfect example of how the actions of a few people can ruin it for all.
This bill was brought about by the negative publicity from news reports showing people open carrying at Starbucks and other urban locations - by the very people who "claim" to be trying to preserve our second amendment rights.
Thanks guys - Thanks alot.
Agreed on all points. There is a time and a place and starbucks is not it.
You hit it right on the nail head!




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