NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Rubithon - June 15-20, 2010 • 22nd Annual Run • Father's Day!

It's that time of year again.  The 22nd annual Rubithon run is coming.  Make sure to checkout the Rubithon website for more information and get registered.


June 15-20, 2010

22nd Annual Run

Father's Day!

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if there is another empty seat I'd be down!
Probably a late night drive up Wed and rolling into Buck Island Lake on Thursday sometime.
Will you go into Buck or Spider??
I will spend the night at Buck on Thursday, then roll into the Springs on Friday morning. I will probably run the trail in the reverse direction on Sunday AM as I will probably leave my truck and trailer at the Loon staging area. Other option is I stay at my house in Tahoe and drive the FJC around to Loon early Thursday morning and then cruise into Buck, then onto the Springs on Friday and out Cadillac on Saturday night or Early Sunday AM in order to beat the traffic.
That sounds like a plan.

IF we go all the way in to the springs we will be there and be able to watch everyone drive in.. Good photo op. I think this year I will hike back up the trail a bit and see more of the action on Friday.
maybe I can win something at the raffle this year..
Yeah, I know I'll never win another raffle... I used all my luck on the last Rubithon. :)

We'll do Rubithon again, but not this year. We've got too much going on right now. Cant wait to see the pictures!
Are we going to have more FJ's than last year? I went in with 2 allpro SAS fjs last year and I only saw 4 FJ's 2sas and 2 ifs.

An Fj run would be great.
Which run are you going to do?
Just wanted to make sure I read the registration form correctly. $80 for registration, $80 per trail, & $30 membership fee? So I would be looking at $190 just to drive my FJ on one trail at Rubicon?
If you are not a TLCA member and this is the your first time running the Rubicon, then I suggest the $200 premier package as you get a lot more bang for your buck. As for the number of trails, there is only 1 trail -- but the trail leaders listed on the registration form leave the staging area at different times.

especially if you have two people going...

There is only one trail, just different days and times to head in..

Some people go the springs in one straight shot, Others take a couple of days to get there. The goal, I think, is to have everyone there by late Friday or so.

They also normally have a great raffle so if your lucky you can walk away with a great prize like CA annie and Moab FJ....

Also, by joining TLCA, you will be joining a great group of people from all over the world who enjoy our sport and drive Toyotas
Got it. Looks like premier is the way to go. I've never wheeled before, should I practice @Hollister state park a few times before attempting Rubicon? Also, I like the Thursday am run with the overnight camping option so it would appear that this is just a slower paced run. ??? Sounds like your saying all trails will reach the same destination just depart for it @different times. So is the dinner/raffle Friday night and return Saturday morning? Or return whenever you want? Since I work sat/sun I'm trying to take the least amount of time off. Thanks for the replies. Seriously considering this event as it is much closer than Sedona.




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