NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Hi I have a possibly stupid question. I am considering new tires. I do not care too much about new rims (I would like them black but I could just paint them). Is there any reason why a new set of rims should be important? Yeah the looks but any functional value?

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He is the story, of a man named MANOWEB, Who wantd to get a new pair of rims..

Unless you are going to buy some 15 or 16" Alcoa wheels (the bestest wheels in the world) shoot the stock alloys black with some rustoulem and call it a day
Why the Alcoa are the best? I've had a look at their website they seem cool but... what is the difference with others, for example?
Very strong, light weight, aluminum. If you plan on spending much time off roading, camping, etc I wouldn't spend alot of $$$ on pretty or expensive wheels. Steel is strong and somewhat inexpensive, and if you bend one you can usually repair it on the trail.
Looks like Alessio has a new nick name..."Brady Bunch"
It is not a new nickname, it's the same as I use on the blue forum, I don't know why here it was set on my real name.
Have you ever seeen the Brady Bunch TV show????
Maybe, but surely "The dukes of Hazzard" was a MUCH more popular show among the kindergarten kids.
By the way: this is the italian version of the song of the show:
I think I like the waylon jennings version better. ;)
now every time I see your image I hum the BB theme song.
Shouldn't it Manobobby?




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