NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Well after many years of wanting to build my own OBHS heat exchanger i finally did.As i found out it was alot harder then i anticipated.After many designs in my head and on paper and after building 6 prototypes and testing.I setteled on one that i was really happy with.As i found out real soon copper is really expensive :( But the results are well worth it for me.The heat exchanger is made out of 2" copper tubbing and is 12" long and has 20' of tubbing inside the 2" tube.The water has to pass 3 times inside the 2" copper tube before it goes out to the shower head.That is only running the water thru the heat exchanger only once.I spliced the OBHS exchanger using the bottom hose coming out of the FJ heater.The OBHS exchanger heats supply water 59F up to 120F with the FJ at only 1500rpm.Still working on a flip up shower arm from my ARB bumper.Let me know what you guy's think

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i wanted to install the system to be as clean as possible with the ports hidden from view when the truck is closed up so thats why i decided on the location for the install. i have a 10ft extension rv hose to extend the shower wand to a privy located away from vehicle if needed

Well but was it not possible to put the connectors hidden below? I would be worried to make everything wet inside. Many times I just take a shower during a stop when I do not want to empty the cargo.

i have a CBI bumper so its all frame rails underneath, i wanted it to be easily accessible for my wife and if it was underneath it could possibly get hung op on a obstacle. 

the post are not located inside at all, they are routed thru the bumper which is still exterior, there is no water connections inside the cabin.

also i wouldn't have to unpack anything as i have cargo drawers in the rear (they just weren't in when i shot the video) so i will keep the hose handy

Nice set up i wish i had the extra room.i too looked at putting a tank in the back but would have to move my air tank and horns.and i figured at best i could get 12 gal of water only giving me about 12 minutes of shower.but your system is super cool :)


have you ever taken a shower out camping using a battery powered pump of a coleman heater? i have many times in death valley and other places. me and my wife only used about 1.5 gallons each for a really nice hot shower

Similar for me, I can take 3 showers out of a 6 gallon tank.

Josh did you get those fill ports at a boating supply? I also would like to put the extra gas tank back there seeing mf fj getts horrible gas mileage. But at this rate i will never have the money
Josh did you get those fill ports at a boating supply? I also would like to put the extra gas tank back there seeing mf fj getts horrible gas mileage. But at this rate i will never have the money ;(

yeah i did, west marine in pacheco. i get most all my electrical and hoses/fittings there

engine bay


heat exchanger


water fill port



pumps off


pumps on


shower hookup



hot water




heat exchanger pump


particle strainer


shower pump


from left to right (outlet for heat exchanger, outlet for shower, inlet from heat exchanger)





They got some cool stuff.thats where i got most of my electric stuff too.they are better then radio shack.again your set up is really nice

This forum should make it easier to post photographs :(


  • The heat exchanger looks very small, how is it done?
  • 160F? Isn't that MUCH too hot?
  • I have a much smaller shower head. Aren't you afraid a big one like yours may use too much water?
  • That looks like a very high-quality job. Out of curiosity, do you carry any extra fuel on your expedition trips?




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