NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Catch a glimpse of another FJer around NorCal? Post up here!

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I forgot that I saw that guy while going down to Hollister right around Morgan Hill. Looked like a rag top H2 at first.
Got behind this guy on 92w and 101s. Iceberg TT? Had a white NorCal sticker and some sort of special white attachments on roof rack.
I see this guy too all the time!!! No idea who he is.
that's a buddy of mine...goes surfing a lot. i interviewed him for an article i wrote for FJC Mag.

Monday, July 16th, in Oakhurst....














Good to see a Chevy still puting on some miles........... or half a chevy.

Seen a nor cal fj sticker on an Indiana FJ in Ouray.

This one yesterday, at the Village Store in Yose.  Another passed by it a few minutes later.


Saw a stock 2012 Trail Team on 101 near Belmont/San Mateo at around 12PM no 25 July (101 & 92), driven by a female.

[removing as i somehow posted same thing twice in a row]

saw a sweet black fj in davis heading west on 80 with a metal tech front bumper, bushwacker fender flares, lift, rims, tires and a pretty aggressive window tint 

Spotted at the Gardnerville (NV) Walgreen's...  ARB bumpers front and back.




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