FJ Cruisers of Northern California
Finally got a wave from a fellow FJer in a nice sandstorm on Santa Teresa while entering the ramp on 87N. Are you on here? I was in the slow silver fresco, behind the cleaning truck.
That would be me friend! I was going to post the same thing earlier but got a little caught up. Very nice rig you have. Need to update my av pic to reflect Fox co's and wheels but that would still be me.
Haha, I should have known! I didn't see your wife in there. We should hit the trails again some time. Thanks for the comment. I saw your nice black wheels. How are those Fox shocks? My OME rear mediums are super-stiff. I'm thinking of changing them out to something softer.
Fronts are NICE! Love 'em. There's a little half a block dirt strip with potholes and stuff that runs beside the train tracks near my office. When there are no other cars on the street, I punch it and blow through there. I can definitely notice a difference between stock and Fox. They just eat up anything I used to feel prior to install. I didn't do anything except almost level out the front with my coil overs. I do sometimes feel like the rears are a little stiff but that will probably change when i finish building my drawers and get a little more weight back there.
I was on my way to work so no wife and yea, once things calm down with work, i'd like to get back out. I know you've been out a few times.
Awesome! Keep up posted on your build.
Lol, I was supposed to be at work that day, but took the day off.
Saw an Iceberg this morning on the way to work on Lawerence expressway, Demello Evil Eye bumper. Got a wave too, awesome lookin rig!
Haha yep! That would be you. I just always take 280 in the morning back to San Mateo because Lawerence expressway is jam packed all 4 lanes to 101 lol. Work near the area or commute in? Always curious of peoples commute, I just moved here from San Mateo.
Where in Mountain View? Surprised I haven't seen you... I work on Ellis Street in the Google Quads.
We're almost backed up against Moffett Airfield on the Sunnyvale side (Innovation and 11th.) Google is expanding/leasing everywhere!
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