NorCal FJs

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Catch a glimpse of another FJer around NorCal? Post up here!

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Lookie who I found in Yosemite...all day.


Was driving back from Point Reyes National Seashore and saw a sweet FJ with a sticker. Didn't wave since I was in my VW but wanted to say hi and cool rig! 

Seen Sandannn last week at Ruby Hill. Was going to say Hi but didnt know who it was

HI!  We were on the patio by the parking lot.  I was the DD and we went to McGrail after.

Saw Colin FJ driving on the Embarcadero the other day. I was sitting in the Muni Tram and he was stopped right next to me.

Saw this guy last week in SF. Very nice.

I've seen that FJ a few times on the 101.

Oh Lordy... an SAE.

Spotted a black FJ with an ARB front bumper and snorkel... driving down E Evelyn Avenue in front of the Sunnyvale CalTrain Station. It was about 7am.

Also spotted a gray FJ in SF this morning. Had KC lights on the roof (front and rear) and I believe an All-Cal sticker in the rear window.

saw a purple one with a bunch of stickers on the back. A demello single hoop up front with big tires and black wheels. Saw him on 880 south by the tennyson exit. I was going north and waved but did not get a response :-(

last night around 9 on 880 south around hayward i think i saw a blue FJ with metal tech stickers and a metal tech front bumper with rigid duallys (amber) and i think it was  girl driving im not sure it was dark and i was in the passenger seat and only got a quick glimpse lol

Dont lie lumba you didnt see anyone lol




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