NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Hey All,

I did this all-day clinic last year with a local off-road club.  It was very well organized and I learned a lot.  It was a ton of fun too.  So much so, in fact, that I'm doing it again in May.  If you're interested, here's the link:


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Totally going to do this. Thanks for the info.
Esprit de Four is pretty cool from what I've heard and a couple other members have participated. just an FYI, we are hoping to schedule another Sacto social that may have a recovery clinic with one cool dude. tentatively scheduled for March, but we need to line things up. keep an eye out for a new discussion once it is set.
I've been looking into doing some training too, considering it's at Hollister makes it really easy for me.
I'm in.

@Jeff, were you thinking May 15th or 16th?

Will look forward for the Sacramento meet up as well.
Probably the 15th also. Hope to teach my girlfriend how to wheel also!
Hmm... sounds interesting. I might do this.
I signed up for the 15th. I'll have a friend along as a second driver.
I've done a Safety Clinic before at Prairie City w/the Capital City Mountain Goat 4x4 Club but, since I've never actually been at Hollister before, I think I'm going to sign up for this one on 5/15 too.

Here's the link to the CCMG course (last one in 9/09):
Esprit de four does some cool classes. I also still teach (although very rarely these days) classes. I'd recommend finding a trainer who has passed some sort of certification program. There are little tidbits of information that you gain from the certification. I'm part of the I4wdta, but also Land Rover kicks out some awesome trainers.

Just food for thought.
Being such a noob myself, I'm in for more training!
I'll be signing up for the 15th, but if you offer anything interesting I'd love to hear.
I've also been thinking about heading to AZ for a 1 week training with these guys:
But the price tag is makes it really hard :P
Bump diddity bump bump for the newbs




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