Greetings NorCaliens!
You've been asking for them and now they are finally here! NorCal FJ decals will be available beginning at Surf N Turf!
There will be three different decals to choose from: original flavor, beariant and juss the text. Decals are $5.00 each or $12.00 for all three! See decal descriptions and photos of two them below! Contact potatomutato for more details.
* Original Flavor - this decal is the same version of the NorCal base logo, only in white. It would look great on your rear window with mud on it. It measures approximately the same size as a CD.
* Beariant - this decal is the notorious variant logo of the bear perched atop NorCal, only in white. Perfect for those who like to exhibit deviant behavior, but still blend in with innocent strangers.
* Juss the Text - If you are paranoid of bears or believe the quadrupeds will be attracted to stickers with their cousins on it, then this is the decal for you. Nothing but text. Looks great across your rear window, on a roof rack bar or your favorite billy club.
Pictured: Original Flavor and Juss the Text (Icon decal available through Icon)
Just added: mock-up of the Beariant logo (actual decal will be very similar)

FJ courtesy of mattmainster