NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

I got myself a '07 FJ Titanium a week ago, and love it.  I discovered this place while I was breezing through the FJCruiser forum.  I have access to some major acreage in the Livermore/Alameda County area, and want to utilize the FJ as much as possible.  The FJ is still my daily commuter car, so I don't plan it turning it into a monster truck.

Thanks for the opportunity to hang out here, and hopefully make friends. 

BTW, how does one get those NorCal FJ Chapter stickers?!?!?!

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Welcome to the Madness! Keep a eye out for Beer nights, Pototomutato has the stickers and other goodies
What's up ? and welcome...I'm outta Pleasanton, so it you want to wheel let me know.
Hi Evans. I'm in San Ramon. There are a few more here from Fremont so don't be a stranger. I'm happy to run that acreage with you any time.
Welcome to the group. Look for the next meet soon.
Welcome to the site..... Did you say land to wheel on...

I am there..
I have access to some major acreage in the Livermore/Alameda County area
oh really? please do tell.

welcome to norcalfjs
Thanks for the warm welcome. The acreage is private land and at the discretion of the owner. Perhaps, perhaps, he will let me take others up there someday.

Looking forward to talking FJ and drinking beer. I love the Arrogant Bastard from Stone Brewery.

Take care.
Welcome...I live in Brentwood and work in Vasco everyday in my BC Fj.
Welcome aboard. Don't worry about turning it into a monster truck. They're pretty amazing what the can do offroad stock.
Beer night in Dublin on Thursday... :)
hmmm good idea!!!

im a newbie myself outta walnut creek




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