NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Wanted to introduce myself to this site. Was at FJ Cruiser Forums but wanted something a bit more local. Scott "FJ Wanderlust" sent me. Live in San Francisco (unfortunately) and have had my '07 VooDoo for about 2 years.

Looking forward to hearing from other locals and see some FJs!

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Welcome to the site!!! Anyone Scottie sends this way can be all bad!

Anyone Scottie sends this way can be all bad!

LOL  Bz, is that supposed to be a can't  ha ha

Welcome to Nor Cal.  Look at the photo tab for pictures of the Norcal FJ's...

Welcome Rob! Keep an eye out on the events page for meet ups and trail runs. A get together is forming up for in the next 2 weeks in Alameda.


Welcome to Norcalfjs. Where in the SF you at? I'm in SOMA.

My condolences for living in San Francisco.  Welcome




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