NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

hey folks..   my name is matt shamah .  new here and just wanted to say hello..   picked up my fjc in december and have been slowly kinda trying to learn what i can do with it.   trying to  figure out how i want to set her up ..  now.. although  I've always been mechanically inclined and handy around tools and metal.  I've really never been an automotive guy.   so a lot of this is new to me.  but I'm learning.  so far she has a kinda hybrid stock/custom bumper with a semi hidden winch and some lights.  king shocks with a bunch of total chaos components in the back and their 2" long travel up front. some skids  and an arb compressor in the engine compartment.  few other nick nacks  for convenience  but quite honest not too much beyond that..  next is gonna be some secondary bypass shocks  and i really don't know what after that.. its been an amazing time working on this thing.. tho frustrating at times with my lack of general knowledge about 4x4 stuff..  at any rate..  I'm just back from my first trip with her.. and . well... i gotta say . WOW..  the mojave road is really pretty fun.. incredibly beautiful if you like the desert.  and certainly not the last time I'm gonna drive that .. . i hope to meet some of you at some point . cuz driving this thing is really really fun.  most of my buds who like this stuff are down south or in AZ.  and i guess going out wheeling by yourself is ok . but .. well .. i suppose its really not ideal .  anyhow.    I've been kinda lurking for  a while.. and finally decided to say hello..  hope you all are well.. and crap. i totally forgot to use caps. .. :/..  sry.   Oh yeah, Besides this I'm pretty into golf, Backpacking, and making tattoos.  (thats been my job since i was a teenager and I'm almost 40 now) .. So yeah,   thats basically all i do tho ..  k.. thanks for reading .. :) .- matt. 

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Welcome to the group. You are well set up for a trip up Long Canyon Trail. Hope to see you in the Sierras soon. You may be closer to Hollister, and I here their OHVA is pretty good and seemingly well attended. We have an ok OHVA here in Sacramento called Prairie City but its no competition for real trails in the Sierras.

Steve Hope.

Howdy from Yosemite!

Great intro Matt. Look forward to meeting you one of these days.

Welcome! If you don't mind a little bit of a drive, theres a trip planned for the 4th of July up at Bald Mountain near Shaver Lake. 




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