NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Hello All!

new dude here! been a 4runner owner since i bought this baby new in 04 and have been busy modding since, looking to branch out here cause i know you guys wheel alot so im looking forward to some upcoming trips!

Im Currently located in walnut creek

heres my rig on the left..

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sweet lookin' 'Runner! welcome aboard and hope to see you out on the trails soon. were you at SnT this past weekend?

No I wasn't able to make it, this has been the 3rd year it hasn't worked out for me, maybe next year! I didn't enjoy pismo in September for the smaller ultimate yota pismo jamboree though- 
I heard there was alot of carnage for the fjs at SnT this year?
I am very much looking forward to doing some runs with you guys!
I meant - I did enjoy pismo
yes, a couple rollovers and a couple lawn darts i believe. i think we may do another Hollister run before it gets too rainy. then there was talk about possibly doing some snow wheeling and building igloos as well as doing Moon Rocks in Nevada.
'Moon Rocks in Nevada" - That sounds fun, I'd be up for that in '11
Nice looking ride you have there, welcome and look forward to seein ya out on the trails.

On a separate note, if you find yourself near Alameda anytime soon I'd like to do a test fit of the rear diff skid on your rig to make sure its gonna fit the 4R's. Let me know and stop on by anytime if you like.
I'll be in Alameda this Sunday Boz, for open houses.
Cool, come on by. Lance said he could show up too.
Hey can I come by and have you run a weld on the front axle caster plates?
Sure, mid day sometime?
Okay see you then
hey boz,

can i sometime come out and check out your long travel setup?

its something ive been thinking about doing for sometime...




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