NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Well, there it goes the launch of our new website,


We have explored many places over the years, and are always in search of new ones. As we seek new ventures, we are constantly asking ourselves a few typical questions about roads and trails we come across: I wonder where this road goes? What shape is it in? Is it worth it? I wonder if someone knows. Other times, we could be reflecting on what gear or gadget to get for the car, or camping. In any event, we are always looking for information sources, or sometime just like to hear or read about a good story and see some pictures.

Bivouac2x4 is just about that, reporting on trails, expeditions, equipments, you name it, but not just any kind of report. I you want to hear about the search for the last long time lost Inca civilisation; you may want to read National Geographic. If you want to hear about expeditions across the Northern Territory during the winter on ice roads with the latest fancy shmancy piece of technology money can buy, then maybe get yoursel a copy of the Overland Journal. But, if on the other hand you are more interested in things you and I can afford or have enough vacation time to accomplish without braking the bank, then that is where were come in. Bivouac2x4 is about outdoor activities focusing on off-road riding for the rest of us. Furthermore, what will be reported on here, are events we accomplished, gear we bought and put to the test. You want trail information, we have it; gear information from cooking grill plate to off-road trailer, we have it; expedition style report our ways, we have it; we have a little for everyone. That is right, a little for now, after all, Bivouac2x4 is still in its infant stage, but is growing every day as we add all our past experiences and live new ones.

Anyway, just wanted to drop a few lines to introduce our new baby, and we hope you will enjoy it as well. Feel free to go and explore and your feedback will always be greatly appreciated, then come and visit us periodically to catch up on the every growing content.

Happy trails

Alain and Donna

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Sounds like something good brewing. Will keep an eye out and hope to contribute on my own Happy Trails!
Very nice. It will be fun to watch the site grow.
We have now added a bivouac2x4 group on Facebook as well, so feel free to join it as we will post latest news and update there as well at:!/group.php?gid=158776577481340
Thanks for the feedbakc. Hope you enjoy it.
How do we join and contribute??
The website nor the group in Facebook allows for posting at this time, this is something I may be considering later, but I will certainly accept any articles with pics from the readers, and if relevant, I will gladely post them on the website and mentioned them on Facebook and Twitter. I am in the process of adding an extra page on the site just for this purpouse so good trip or review article will be posted and giving you the credit. One thing I do want to point out is that the site will not become another forum, it is not its purpose, reason why we want to control and limit what readers can post. Our grand idea, if we ever are lucky to make it there, is in the future to actually publish a magazine... we can dream right :o)
Anyway, so yes I would encourage any one to forward me stuff if they want to put it on the site. We will soon come up with Bivouac2x4 memorabilia for sale (shirts, hats, stickers, etc...) and for each of the readers article we published, we will give away a present for their colaboration as well.
As far as joining, the member side of things on the website is still in works. For facebook and twitter, there is now a Bivouac2x4 group you can join, I have sent invitations already to some who I had email adresses for, but for some reason I do not get any replies,
Hope this helps.
Thanks for your interest.
This sounds like a great thing, I really appreciate your efforts to put something like this out there for the average smoe. Just got back from Laurel Lakes, Bodie, and Mono Lake runs, good times and looking forward to info from Bivouc2x4 to make my future trips even more enjoyable.
Very Cool!!!
congrats on the launch, Alain! looking forward to learning a lot.
Alain and Donna, you should have come out to the Overland Rally on Saturday! Great group of people with amazing set-ups on different types of vehicles. I'll be posting a few photos I took with my phone later tonight.
I know, I was totally bummed out knowing I was going to miss it for the same reason I missed the High Desert run. How well, so it goes. I actually went to their facility in Arizona and Scott gave me the tour and talk about their latest trip. Really cool group.




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