FJ Cruisers of Northern California
So I signed up here a while ago but have mostly stuck to the blue room 'cuase i can't get the organization (navigation) of this site :(
I'd like to be on here more often since is more of a local board but; How do you guys:
1 find new content
2 manage your won content, posts, PMs, etc (User control panel)
3 mark the board as read (I always like doing this on a new board so I can start off knowing whats new)
1ST off Welcome to the Site!!!
the new posts show up on the main page
manage content on your page (check the header for navigation)
there is no marking the forum read but you set up a RSS feed and have new posts emailed to you
Welcome TO the site..
I am sure the admins will jump on to answer your questions..
Hey, welcome to the forum.
Hope you figure this place out, because it's a great community!
All, thanks for the warm welcome.
Really I'm not trying to be a jerk here so please bear with my "interrogation" LOL :)
Ok so I'm most used to forum software that functions similar to VBulletin
IMO from learning these to navigate forums based on these types of sites, there are 2 kinds of content that most people (myself included) find the most useful.
1. New Threads - A fixed link (or other tool) that automatically finds all threads that have been created or that have new posts since the last time the user logged in or visited the site. ****Think Blue Room "New Posts" link****
2. User Control Panel/ Subscriptions - A feature that shows which threads (you have posted in) have new content. (There is some what of an overlap from this feature and the one above but mostly it helps you find replies to your comments fast) ****Blue Room "User CP" link, that lists your Subscritions ****
Both of these features are Thread based meaning they don't detail every new post in a thread, only that something has been added since you read it last.
So lets use this thread for example. If I hadn't come here again today and lets say I hadn't come for the next 2 weeks.
1. How would I find my thread?
2. How could I easily see what content was new and/or had new activity since my last login. - Assuming that I didn't care to sort through any sub forums/threads looking at each and every date time stamp.
As for "Makrking the Board Read" , when you first sign up for a vBuletin style site the forum software thinks the entire board is new to you. This makes the tools mentioned above nearly useless unless you visit every thread. Thus the "Mark Board as Read" tool will reset the forum making it think you visited every thread, that way the next time you log in and click "New Posts" you only see what has been updated since your last login. ;)
Really I'm not trying to be a jerk here so please bear with my "interrogation" LOL :)
no worries at all...that's what we are here for. i can tell right now, though, we probably don't have as many features as vBulletin/phpBB just as much as they don't have some of ours. that being said, if you are looking for the vBulletin experience, NorCal is pretty far removed from that experience.
so why did we choose this type of network? primarily because we did not want to replicate yet another forum that would repeat the same information as others. cutting and pasting from one forum to another got old, for me at least, and the discussions often were the same.
that being said, we openly refer to other forums through linking, etc. there is no way we could replicate the bounty of information that one can find in the Blue and even though many of the Blue experts are on here, we don't expect the same info to appear here as well. rather, we chose to highlight content such as multimedia and allow for it to be easily shared across other social networks. but i'm not answering your questions, so here goes...
Ok so I'm most used to forum software that functions similar to VBulletin
IMO from learning these to navigate forums based on these types of sites, there are 2 kinds of content that most people (myself included) find the most useful.
1. New Threads - A fixed link (or other tool) that automatically finds all threads that have been created or that have new posts since the last time the user logged in or visited the site. ****Think Blue Room "New Posts" link****
A: we use a different way to scan discussion threads and do not offer the ability to scan new posts since once last logged in. instead, you can go into the forum tab and sort by latest activity. from there, you can see the time stamp on the right hand column. from this same page, you have the ability to scan by Newest Discussion, Latest Activity and Most Popular (within the past week). or you can scan the old fashioned way, by forum category.
2. User Control Panel/ Subscriptions - A feature that shows which threads (you have posted in) have new content. (There is some what of an overlap from this feature and the one above but mostly it helps you find replies to your comments fast) ****Blue Room "User CP" link, that lists your Subscritions ****
A: if you want to find the discussions (all of them) that you have either started or replied to, you can click on "My Discussions" from the Forum tab. you can also search for discussions by a certain member as well.
Both of these features are Thread based meaning they don't detail every new post in a thread, only that something has been added since you read it last.
So lets use this thread for example. If I hadn't come here again today and lets say I hadn't come for the next 2 weeks.
1. How would I find my thread? you can either follow the instructions above or you can go to My Page and click on Discussions on the left hand column. it will take you to the same Forum page where you can search for threads you started or replied to.
2. How could I easily see what content was new and/or had new activity since my last login. - Assuming that I didn't care to sort through any sub forums/threads looking at each and every date time stamp. we don't have this functionality. that being said, we also do not have as much activity as the Blue either so unless you have not logged in for more than two days or so, chances are you can tell when the last post was by checking the Forum section on the front page (e.g. the oldest post was made on Sunday).
As for "Makrking the Board Read" , when you first sign up for a vBuletin style site the forum software thinks the entire board is new to you. This makes the tools mentioned above nearly useless unless you visit every thread. Thus the "Mark Board as Read" tool will reset the forum making it think you visited every thread, that way the next time you log in and click "New Posts" you only see what has been updated since your last login. ;)
A: i'm a member on six other vBulletin/phpBB boards and haven't used this function, so i couldn't answer this question for you. i think everyone has their way of scanning, so perhaps someone else here can answer this one.
so, it's just a different way of doing things here. some get used to it, some don't, but we hope more people ask questions like you so that they do and realize the full potential of this site. we have actually conducted two Tips & Tricks chat nights and plan to conduct more in the future because there is a lot more functionality available outside of the basic forum discussion feature. there are more features to come as well!
if you have another questions, please do feel free to ask! <---- we don't have these either.
nope, why do you ask? ...oops...hit submit too soon.
SharePoint has come a long way, but this is Ning.
Trying to customize my page and noticed it has the look and feel of a SharePoint.
Is it possible to move things? If I click on some section headers it gives the impression that I can drag and drop it to move it but the nver follow.
yes, anything you scroll over that produces the moveable directional arrows can be re-arranged on your profile.
i haven't used SharePoint in a long time, but i get where you're coming from.
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