NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Hey guys, had a blast with Potato and BZ in Pismo this weekend for Dom's going away party, so I figured I would sign up here to keep up with the Norcal Guys. For people who haven't met me at a meet before, my name's Sang, one of the socal fj'rs. Hope to meet more of you guys soon!

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hey Sang! good catching up with you again at Dom's farewell. i've posted a few more photos on this site so check it out. hope the drive back home was uneventful for you guys. Bz's clutch ended up frying out one mile away from his house. be sure to catch us next time you are up here. now go mod your page!
Finally went did it !! !hmm well thats like 80,000 the hard way on a ckutch !! LOL

BZ when are we doing the clutch job??
your guys site has some much stuff, have to spend some time to get used to it. that really sucks about the clutch tell bz to get a heavy duty one next haha, jeshua said he burned his clutch a little bit too on the sand, ill post up my pics soon.
Oh no you hung out with those guys !!! Oh no !! LOL

Yep good people to hang out with !! welcome to the site..

Hey Sang, was good partying with you this weekend at Doms going away. You outta come up and meet more of the crew!
Welcome to the NorCal site.




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