Hey all, was talking with potatomutato and I was thinking about getting a Thanksgiving trip together that weekend. I know that it's a big holiday and lots of people go out of town, but what would be better than a Thanksgiving get-together with the FJ family?
Trail: Hollister Hills SVRA
Where: 7800 Cienega Road, Hollister CA 95023
When: Saturday 11-28 and/or Saturday 12-5
-- Caravan:
Morgan Hill at E. Dunne Ave. (Exit E. Dunne Ave. make a left at the end of the off ramp. Then left at first corner. There is a gas station, fast food, etc. on the left, Subway to get lunch.) between 8:45am and 9am (
Meeting location |
Subway location)
-- At Hollister Hills:
The mud pit and frame twister at 10am
Frequencies: FRS 7-31 ... CB 31
Contact: Studovich (Mark; Cell: 408-316-9733)
November 28th -- "Turkey Trot"
* Beer Friday Social is on the 27th. Check it out
here. *
** 5AND5TORM is planning a trip to Bald Mountain, check out the thread
here. **
- #Studovich
- #DivnGirl
- suecyde
- perry650
- #Andrew
- potatomutato
- PBn'FJ
- #Alvin
- #quadloco
- #magicthechemist
# = caravanning
- daPitbull
- Bozly
- Boss73
December 5th -- "Clean Wheeling"
* Toyota120 club will be there this day. Check out their trip thread
here. *
** Hollister Hills is letting people in for free but is asking for help cleaning up the park. Check out the volunteer form (pdf attachment) if you're interested. **
*** Boss73 has another thread going for this one,
here. ***
- 4X4CruiserGirl
- Bozly & Mrs Bozly
- daPitbull
- Bz
- NDA431FJr
- #Studovich
- #Botched
- #David
- Cypilk
- potatomutato
- #Boss73
# = caravanning
- DivnGirl (looking to ride shotgun)
- #Alvin
- #magicthechemist
- Brandon Briskin
**** Please let me know who wants to meet up to caravan down. I live about 15-20 minutes from Morgan Hill and I don't want to end up waiting there for people and find out they are all heading straight to Hollister. ****