NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Date: Wednesday, September 22 - Sunday, September 26
Location: Eastern Sierra
Level: All
Comms: CB - 31, FRS/GPRS - 7-31, HAM 147.52 simplex no tone
Cell signal: Available on the trail when in direct line of sight with Mammoth Lakes, which pretty much means the beginning of the trail to around the aspen grove before the turnoff to the campsite.
Weather: highs in the mid-70s, lows in the low-30s overnight.
Campsite: dispersed camping (no showers, no toilets), please bring wood if you can!
Official trail runs:
Friday - Mazourka Canyon/The Narrows and Thereabouts
Saturday - Kavanaugh Ridge/Bodie Ghost Town/Mono Craters exploration
Alternate "rogue" runs will be most likely scheduled and proposed.
National Public Lands Day:
Free admission to Devil's Postpile National Monument and Mono Lake
Volunteer opportunity: TBD on Saturday AM

this is the official thread for the annual High Sierra run. despite having considered moving to an alternating base camp/expedition style run, we'll stick with the base camp idea this year. we'll establish base camp on Laurel Lakes trail again.

395 to Trail Head:
Approximately 1.5 miles of dirt road once you get off 395 at Sherwin Creek Road

the High Sierra run, for those of you who are unfamiliar with the format, is part trail run, part vacation. we will only establish 2-3 "official" trail runs and the rest of the activities are planned impromptu or on-your-own. last year, several folks went fishing, kayaking and sightseeing. more details on the planned runs will be outlined in the coming weeks, but will most likely include Coyote Flat, Mono Craters and yearly favorite, Kavanaugh Ridge.

also, i am looking into a possible volunteer opportunity for National Public Lands Day on Saturday, the 25th. i will most likely propose something in the nearby Mammoth area...perhaps a trail clean-up. for those of you who are unfamiliar with National Public Lands Day, it is the nation's largest hands-on volunteer effort to help sure-up and clean-up our public lands. it also allows free admission to most national parks and monuments (Yosemite, Devil's Postpile and Mono Lake included).

Final Roster (20)
gringo (good luck for the chorizo!)
FJ Scout
FJ4 Tahoe
Ranger Jim
CA Annie & MoabFJ

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no. i was trying to solidify details on a volunteer opp, but i will just send out the PM without it for now. the volunteer opp will be on Saturday morning. more details to come.
OK thanks!
Mannnnn... I wish I could make it to this. :-(

Have fun, ya'll!
You could make it if really wanted to. Get up early and stay up late to get the homework done.
Homework isn't the issue, it's money and time. My phone got messed up and I had to buy a new one and I'm planning on flying to Phoenix next month, so I need to save up. I have 2 jobs right now and I've only logged like 5 hours... it's ridiculous.

Show me the money!

Definitely making it now. We're going to head out Thursday.
awesome! glad you'll be able to make it.
yes, indeed. we may have some resort passes courtesy of Cowboy's Fuzzy Duds if anyone wants to take a break from the outdoors and hit the spa. this resort is located on the June Lake Loop about 30 minutes away from Mammoth.
As I mentioned previously I would like to visit the Mazourka Canyon that is not too distant from the area.

I am not sure I will be able to get Friday off, so my target is to go on Saturday. I have the book "Backcountry Adventures North California" by Massey and Wilson; the trails I am interested in are the following (the numbers at the end are difficulty and scenic rating on a scale 1-10):
- Mazourka Peak trail - 16 miles, 1.5 hours, 2/8
- Papoose Flat trail - 16 miles, 2.5 hours, 4/9
- Harkless Flat trail - 6 miles, 2 hours, 5/9
- The Narrows trail - 14 miles, 2 hours, 3/9

My idea is to leave not too late (like 8AM or so) and be back at the camp early, when the Sun is still high; I believe in "adaptive planning" I mean to go, explore, enjoy the trail, and decide what to do and when to head back at the camp depending on how the conditions are.

If anybody is interested, we could do a small group, so it stays easy and quick. I have already made color photocopies of the relevant sections of the book, to avoid bringing this gigantic volume on the trail. I am also putting GPS coordinates in a GPX file to help follow the trails.
I created the files with the GPS coordinates.
GPX (upload to most mapping GPS devices)
GDB (for Garmin MapSource)
KML (for Google Earth)

You can also watch it on Google Maps:

The ideal plan would be: Mazourka Peak Trail, Papoose Flat Trail, then (optional) back on The Narrows Trail, Harkless Flat Trail and go back to the camp using part of Saline Valley Road. Of course this is too much and the decision what to do will depend on how much time there is.
that sounds like fun, some on this run may have done Mazourka a few months ago at alabama hills event and may know the trail. I may pass on this one Alessio as I was in that area before and plan to spend more time fishing farther north




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