NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Thought I'd say Hi…. Hi Folks

Just picked up a Voodoo Blue 2008!! Love it! Reminds me of my old 96 4Runner but on steroids.

New to the forums and the FJ but, not to Toyota's. I've had a Toyota in on form or another since 91.

Looking forward to meeting my local FJ owners pretty soon. Already met a guy over in clovis, he sells parts for FJ's Maybe you guys know him "Bob"? he sold me a set of stock running boards yesterday.

Hey Jason.

Jason and I share another Interest, Mini Cooper S R53's 

I'm sure i'll be picking your brains on mods ")

Cheers Folks.


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Welcome to the group from Merced.
Howdy from Clovis!
Andrew, can't wait to check out your new FJ. Let the modding begin

I need to find a tuner!! even though the TRD SC and fitment kit is almost plug and play.. folks have been complaining about running lean after the flash for the new injectors.. Don't think there's anyone in Fresno. so that means CRM via the internet..  I asked about warranty issues over at Michael's "no problem" was the quick response, since its a toyota part and CARB approved...

i need to do my research.. ")  




I use to have an r56 S!

Nice.. Lots of fun round corners ")

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