NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

New to 4x4, been the baggage never the driver. Just bought my 2010 FJ TT, never had a Toy before and was going to buy a Jeep (of course). Drove this once and forgot all about the Jeep. Didn't even realize how special the Trail Teams was until I started reading up on it after I bought it. I knew I was buying a Jeep why look at something else.

Thank god I listen to my wife (occassionally) and drove the FJ!! Hope to learn a lot here and am looking forward to wherever the trail takes me. Any advice you have, appreciated. Hope to see some of you soon.

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Welcome to the site and Congrats on the TT! you just missed an awesome trail run at Hollister Hills yesterday but i'm going to try and set up another one in a few weeks that you should try and make it out to and see what the FJ can do. We all have opinions and answers to any questions you may have so feel free to ask!

Welcome and congrats on your FJ!  


Welcome, I work in EG. Maybe I'll see you around.


Good choice in FJ!  (I have a 2010 FJ TT as well).


Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! I do have a few hundred questions but I will cut it down to what I figure are the most important three.

Starter Gear - what should I have on my FJ for moderate trails? I have a pretty good idea for my own personal gear but I could use some help on what I should have on my FJ in case Murphy finds me.

Equipment Suppliers - Wheres the best local places to get equipment, when I am comfortable I will go online but the guys at the local store seem to me to be the best place to start?

Trails - recommendations to get my tires dirty? Prairie City is close to me not sure if it's worth using since it just looks like mostly dirt hills? What Trails are worth starting on, without pushing a beginner into a bad position. I saw some "Green Trails" off hwy 4 are they worth doing beyond the scenery? Strawberry Pass looked very interesting but it's listed as moderate? I want to start slow and anywhere in the mountains is always a good day (assuming I'm not stuck).


Come out to the trail clean up on the 28th. It is a fun easy trail. 

Prairie City is not a bad place to start either. There are a few things there to try out.

Like to go but thought you only wanted 10 and you already had 9. Let me know what I need to bring and I'm there.

Just bring yourself, food. water and you are good.

PC is a great place to get your feet wet. The most important thing IMO, is sliders. With a TT, you should have the stock sliders ( as do I). Strawberry is closed this year, so no dice there. Eagles lake is a good beginner trail, have taken a group up last month. Hwy 4 has Corral Hollow but really is just a fire road. I actually might be wheeling the gold valley trail this sunday, suitable for stocks as I have done it stock. The trail located close to Downieville. For the most part, I would give PC a try. LMK and I'll come with.

Up for a look at PC on Saturday. Downieville is a bit away for me Sunday already have plans that eve. You must be a mountain biker, that place is Mecca for mountain bikers :)




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