NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Does anyone have pics of a good front tube bumper?

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C4B and Cyplik have the same bumper and lots of photos check out their pages
Bossquatch (aka Boss73) has the Metal Tech tube bumper.

but the best looking functional tube bumper i've seen to date is JimD's custom bumper:

photo by BigBadFJ
Jim's bumper is really nice, but too bad the guy making them can't get anything built on time and won't give you a straight answer as to when something will be done. I waited almost 4 months for a set of Jim's tail lights before I said F-it and canceled my order.
bummer. yeah, his tail lights were cool too.
I love my metal tech

checkout my page
I love my Intense Fab...
I love my OEM bumper...hahahahaaa
FunJunkie has, what I consider to be one of the slickest tube bumpers out there

Yep this was the one that I first saw with a tube bumper and I fell in love with it !!!!!
at least you know you'll never over heat.. so open...
I did a bit of research on tube bumpers and aside from a couple of customs, I really like the Metal Tech.
It's light, I like the way the winch mounts, and after seeing Boss's I think this is the way I will go.

btw, I might have an ARB for sale in the near future at a really good price, hint hint.




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