NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Decided to just go with the new version and not take the risk of splitting possible interest. Wanted to have a solid post with the new link and photos. Thanks to everyone so far that has ordered. 

Don't Follow Me FJ Shirt Link

The large logo is the backside. 

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In for a hoodie.

I like looks very clean 

I ordered the hoodie

just ordered hoodie and shirt 

I'm posting a link to this on the blue room, if that's cool with you. This will probably help you hit your goal.

Thanks Niko. Good luck. I tried the stupid admins said I needed to pay them a couple hundred a month to be a seller. Wtf?

No, see I'm not selling them. I just said I bought one, and added the link. So we'll see what happens.

Thanks Niko. Appreciate your help. Hope it sticks! :)

I'm in for a shirt. I think the 50 goal is a little lofty with the little traffic this board gets. Is that the min. order?

Well, I'm allowed one dial down and since I'm also posting it on the FJ Facebook groups I was going to wait until a couple days before to dial it down. If we can get to 20, we can for sure get it.

Ah ok, sounds good. You might try ih8mud as well?

On an unrelated note, I think the front logo would look better if it was centered.

Placed my order for one. Hope the goal is reached.




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