NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Hey guys and gals...I FINALLY finally got weekends off only for this month and haven't gone to a trail run every since Sep/Oct. Yea is been awhile.  SO how about it?

So Far:

Boss73(meeting us there)
Jeremy G
Jr Vong
Lonny W

Anyone else I miss?

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Andrew you should be able to wake your own self up, lol. And don't worry about the FRS. I found out I have one that has those sub channels.

As far as the obstacle course goes, I know where it is. So just stick with me and we'll meet up with everyone. Once we get everyone together and acquainted, we will have a quick driver's meeting on how things will run and what-not.

I have two extra walkie-talkies (but they don't have sub channels, so maybe we will do just channel 7-0 for the FRS?) that I will bring along as well. I also recommend bringing a lunch or some snacks (we can always grab Subway in Morgan Hill on the way there).

If you are running late or something, just give me a call and let me know what's going on (408-316-9733 and my name is Mark).
Man it's pouring right now... supposed to be no more than 2 inches total between now and Saturday in Hollister though.
WEll looks like I am going to get there around 11:00am. on Saturday.. Friday camping is out

I will see what is going on. I believe we are still going to camp on Saturday..

I will try to get a hold of you guys when I get there and get out on the trail..
I will have my cb running as well.
on the Fj channel 31
Just give me a call or hit us up on the CB.

And I think I'm going to call the ranger station tomorrow or Saturday and see what the mud situation is like (and whether or not the obstacle course is closed).
I just called the Rangers' office and they said it's rained only about half an inch so far. But they also said the obstacle course might be closed tomorrow.

I'm still gonna go regardless. I really want to wheel anyways. If worst comes to worst and we can't really play, we can always just show the new guys around the park while helping Boss out.
I got called into work this morning so i cant make it :(

Sent Mark a text, so you guys meeting at Starbucks don't need to wait for me!

Post some pics when you get back!
hey guys,
i had a blast and it was nice meeting who showed up!

when i got home and washed the mud off i noticed that i bent my front driver's side trac-bar when i got stuck on the logs. hope it won't be an expensive fix :(

i put the few pictures that i took in my album.

can't wait to go again!




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