NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

El Dorado National Forest Trail Closures - What you need to do

Sonof40 and I met with with several Forest Service personnel today at a public meeting in Placerville. The short version of the story is that the issue with the 42 trail closures could be wrapped up by next July if all goes well. 

What we need to do is write a note about our trail experiences in the EDNF.

Such as:

  • What do you use the trails for?
  • What you have learned there? (4 wheeling for the first time, biology, animal watching, etc.)
  • The recreational activities you participate in (Camping, hiking, etc)
  • Talk about the trails you enjoy (Long Canyon, Strawberry, Pardoes, etc.)
  • Fishing in out of the way places

You get the picture. They will use these notes, some word for word and some just the general ideas to bolster their position when writing the Proposed Action for reopening the closed trails.

Send your notes to: Kyle   kwjohnson at  (remove the spaces and change "at" to @)

In the subject line put: NorCalFJS - EDNF - Trail/Forest Experiences

Thanks for your help.


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Email to Kyle sent

Thanks for the post. Will get something off to them.

Thanks guys, hopefully we can get a few more as well.




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