NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Hey all i just want to see if anyone is down to hit Eagle Lake OHV on the 11th and/or the 12th.. so next weekend! maybe just camp on the 11th and then wheel the 12th? i know there are some bomb campsites out there cuz i hit a few of them at the beginning of the summer when i tried to do this trail with a buddy of mine but accidentally did fordyce instead haha

so yea post up if you are interested and hopefully we can set something up and get a handful of rigs out there! 

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Officially, that is known as driveshaft hill.

Ah!  A very apt name.  Thankfully, my driveshaft was not the victim!

You guys actually tried it. You are more crazy than me. I'll attempt it once I get skids and gears.

I have skids, but I'm not geared.  I got bounced around a lot and hit my head on the ceiling several times (and I'm not very tall).  Bozly went up it fairly easily in his new truggy.  I was inspired... but I didn't make it all the way up.  I incurred the damage while backing down when a rocked flipped up into the link.  Fortunately, I was with some people who know what they're doing, and here is a video of how they fixed it:

bent rear lower link trail repair

I love the fix method. I was lucky enough to replace my rear lowers whith the billet ones from Icon. No worries in that department here.

I wish I could have maid it up with you guys.

Great run guy ton of fun. And Kara no worries as long as we are there we can try to fix anything

I'll be there to keep y'all busy!  ;-)  Damn, I wish I would have made it all the way up that obstacle - that would have been bad ass.  I'm a truggy wanna-be.




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