NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

hey planning out the trail runs for 2012, i'm thinking about running a new kind of trail run. in recent years, our number of creative photographers has grown and i'm thinking it is about time to create a photography mini-expedition.

ideally, it would be a multi-day run and may eventually be linked into the High Sierra Run, but for the time being, i'm thinking an extended weekend (e.g. Thursday-Sunday) soon after the passes open in the late spring/early summer.

this run will be well-suited for creative photographers, meaning there will be no sense of urgency running through the trails. in fact, sunrise and sunset runs will be more common. also, this will most likely be a non-base camp style run...more in line with an expedition.

if you are interested, post up here and/or PM me. no date will be set as of yet due to the fact that the date the passes open depends on snow melt. that being said, it will most likely be the second weekend after the passes open.

styles of photography can range from landscape, nocturnal, time-lapse, photo-journalistic (photo blog of the trail run), etc. types of cameras can range from DSLR/SLR, medium format, and large format...if anyone has the latter, that would be fantastic!

we would arrange in advance the various styles of photographs we'd like to capture, so we can plot out stops and scouting runs. please let me know if you'd be interested.

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Very interested.

We are in. Give time and place and we will be there. I can tell the wife I need new gear....muahhhh.

Yes... quite interested !

We're interested...

You asked the squirrel to go?

OH GOD YES!!!! PLEEEEEASE PLEEEEASE PLEEEEEASE LETS DO THIS!! I am so stoked about this. I am probably going to go to  (a local bay area shop to rent camera equipment lenses, bodies, flash units ect) and get a lens or two for the weekend. I am sooo in though. 

my buddy works there...good place to rent lenses and equipment.

I'm interested in this for sure. Plus I'll be out of school so I'll definitely be able to go (unless I get a job right out of graduation).

Sure! The "expedition style" thing sounds wonderful to me. Can people join even if not interested in photography or use a point and shoot?

sure, but please keep in mind that it can be very slow-going. it'll take a while to set up shots and some folks will probably stay at certain locations for hours. that being said, if you don't have the patience for that, probably not the ideal run to go on.

Could be in as well ...well Katie would photograph...i'm just a driver :-)

Sounds interesting ! Depending on when but I am in..




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