NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Chris Maytag a.k.a. Spincycle coming to town right after Santa December 30

We should give him a warm, NorCal welcome, don't you think? What's everyone say to meeting at the Lucky 13 around 6:00 or so?
I'll drive down for it!

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I am heading up to Lucky 13 tonight and heard from tater that he is on the way back from Sac. Hope to see some other familiar faces there.

Sorry to hear about your brother MuddyGrrl, take care of him and we'll catch up with you in the new year.
Thanks! Y'all have fun tonight. I'm really sorry I'm missing this one.

As if my brother's illness wasn't enough, yesterday my (diabetic) mother had a low blood sugar episode. She collapsed on the bathroom floor and I thought she'd had a stroke. Scared the living you-know-what outta me! Paramedics came and didn't take her to the hospital after the eval.

Now I'm watching her like a hawk. I think it annoys her. I told her, "Don't forget to eat and I promise not to call 911. Deal?"

we enjoyed some good spirits on your behalf and sent positive thoughts your way. take care of yourself and best wishes to you and your family.
Thanks to all who showed up at Luck13 - great to meet y'all! Looking forward to wheeling together in the future!
Not quite - Front end is on, Jounce in progress, some limit strap & welding work to go. But SOOOOOONNNN!!




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