NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

if anyone out there can paint and would like some extra cash i want to get my bumper wings painted (all 4 ) plus center pieces. any ideas ??

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Save some money and do it yourself!!! Sand with 400 grit sandpaper. Shoot a few coats of Krylon Fusion, then a clear coat, and you are GOLDEN!!
got money not time otherwise i would
I can help ya out, but it might take most of the day because we have to wait for all of the paint to dry in between all of the coats.
just tell me how much and when i could leave them and come back or whatever u want to do. i will pick up supplies just tell me what i need to buy thanks bro !
Okay, get 2 cans of primer and 3 cans of black. SEM bumper coater (black) and Transtar 2 in 1 primer gray (if they have primer black get that one instead).

You don't HAVE to use this specific paint, but it's what I used and you saw how mine turned out already
Yup like what Cyp said, I trained him how to paint...LOL Get the can's that Cyp recommeded but it is going to run you some cash, each can is almost $13. and you'll need to do at least 2 coasts of primer and 2 coats of flat black.
I learned in a small garage in soma
where did you buy them at ??
City Paints.

1088 Howard St
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 626-1790




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