NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

Boss73 told me about an organization that transports wheelchair bound kids to a camp. I have been in contact with them and below is the information they sent me. I am not 100% sure I am going to be able to make the run, but I wanted to put a feeler out to see if anyone else in interested.

Here is the information I was given. If Boss73 reads this, maybe he can chime in as well.

Interested Drivers
1. OPG
2. PotatoMutato
3. DHeigher
4. EstySalinas
5. Mrs Bozly
6. Bigfish
7. Marauder713
8. PBn'Fj and guest
9. Boss73

We may still need help on Saturday, August 8. I haven't heard back from the person that is recruiting the locals yet.

Can you email back with a couple of bits of information?
1. How many extra passengers can you carry?
2. Can you carry gear, too?
3. Type of vehicle?
4. Will you be driving through Sacramento Saturday afternoon?
5. Do you know of others interested?

I have copied the email I sent early this year to recruit volunteers to give you details of what we do.

Thank you for your interest.

Transportation coordinator

Dear 4x4 group leaders,

Its time to round up the rigs and haul some kids to camp.

This is an opportunity to offer your time, talent, and rigs to help put smiles on the faces of those less fortunate than us - some disabled kids. Camp WAMP (rhymes with stomp) is looking for a bunch of 4x4ers that would be willing to transport kids and their wheelchairs and gear plus counselors and their gear on an hour and a half trek to or from camp in the High Sierras. The campsite is a bit remote so you need a capable 4x4 with a little clearance and 4low, a KIA Sportage made it 2 years ago. Most of the trail is easy with probably just two challenging spots.

The dates for the treks are as follows:
July 25, Saturday at 12 noon bus stop at Plumas-Eureka State Park- inbound.
August 1, Saturday at 10 am at Hawley Lake - outbound.
August 2, Sunday at 12 noon bus stop at Plumas-Eureka State Park- inbound.
August 9, Saturday at 10 am at Hawley Lake - outbound.

If you would like to participate, please have space available in your rig for at least 1 camper and 1 counselor and some gear. We would like to make sure that everyone that participates has a great time, so we are asking for a little cooperation and a little information beforehand so we can plan. If you really want a camper in your rig, just say so and we will try our hardest to make it happen, especially for the first-timers. If you have been one of very valued transporters in the past, maybe you can reach back in your memory banks to remember the special feeling from those huge smiles to make sure a newbie has the same experience.

Now for the tough part, group leaders you are an awesome part of this program. We need space for 42 campers and counselors and their stuff on the opening inbound trip, July 25 and the closing outbound trip, August 8. All of the people and gear go in or come out on those days. The in between days, August 1 and 2 are a little lighter since some of the counselors will stay in camp over the weekend.

I know it seems like a lot to ask for a commitment for a volunteer outing, but these kids need us and our rigs to get them to and from camp. The payoff is huge. These kids get such a big kick out of being like regular kids on an off-road adventure. The smiles you put on their faces will stay with you forever.

So, leaders and any 4x4 enthusiasts out there, please circulate this information to get the word out to come and help some kids that really need our help.

The first inbound trip is pretty full with Diablo 4 Wheelers, Hills Angels, and the Northern Cal Club Xterra groups. For individuals that email me to signup, please be flexible and patient as I need to fill in large groups first then add you where needed.

David Hollister, hopefully, will help recruit drivers for the last day, August 8. I am hoping that several locals will participate helping take the kids out of camp. But we still need some folks from down in the valley or beyond just in case the bus is overloaded with gear like last year - thank you Josh and his FJ - can't believe I am giving credit to an FJ driver.

To recap our needs:
July 25 - 32 vehicles
Aug. 1 & 2 - 25 vehicles each day
Aug. 8 - 32 vehicles

We will need a list of the vehicles, color, opened or closed, number of passengers, room for gear.

Oh, if you don't hear from me until after April 15, just be patient, I am in the middle of tax season. After that, I can contact all respondents more promptly.

And by the way, their website has changed to:

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good info. i know opg has been in touch with them. we volunteered last year and are slated to do so again this year. more info to come.
I was trying to get this info out earlier this week however I've been really busy with work stuff.

I've already been in touch with Jay and the day he needs rigs is the last day. He's already set for the first and second weekends, since those are the most popular with the groups that have been helping transport the last few years.

Just a heads up this is a run to help the WAMP kids, it's not your normal run. There might be some hurry up and wait time at the camp while they get loaded up so we are on their time schedule not our own.

If you are interested I will be organizing the FJs for Aug 8th since that is that date according to Jay that he needs drivers. The other dates are filled at this point with the other groups that have helped out in the past. I also told him if things change for the other weekends to let me know and I will put a call out.

You will need to make sure that your rig has room for a camper and a consoler and their gear. So this means you need to pack light or creatively use the roof rack, understand that part of their gear can include a walker or wheelchair. If you have a dog that you travel with while we love them; this isn't the best run to have them on, unless you only plan on carrying gear out.

Drivers confirmed for Aug 8th
1. OPG4759
I am in for the 8th. I am check with Marauder713 to see if he is a go. He should be.

To confirm this is August 8, Saturday at 10 am at Hawley Lake - outbound to Plumas-Eureka State Park.

I would likely camp in the area Friday night and check out some old stomping grounds on Later Sat/Sunday after the ride out.

Let me know if you need help with anything.
I will be running the 1st weekend with the X-terra group like we did last year. I will be in contact with Jay while there so I will make all the arrangements with him for what we have when I'm on site, and any additional needs they may have.
Let us know. We could do the dates in August
This looks like a lot of fun. How many NorCal rigs went last year? We should be clear for the Aug dates.
we had about six rigs last year and we participated as a guest of the NorCal Xterra group. please keep in mind that there is a chance that you will only be transporting equipment or counselors depending on the number of vehicles participating. just wanted to throw that out there because apparently some drivers from other groups in years past got their feelings hurt when they could not transport a camper. i transported the nature counselor (such a great person!) and her dog last year - i think bk was the only FJC to transport a camper.

if i am able to make it that weekend, i will be going up early to secure base camp and camp until Sunday.

on a side note, Wampler Kids have just released a new video featuring Will Forte of SNL, plus a special guest. the video that follows highlights the group we shuttled in last year and is a testament to how much Camp WAMP means to these kids.
Thanks for addition intel. I am good with what ever they need - gear, camp counselors, camp peeps, dogs, or just support. I will be flexible and will roll with whatever they need or comes up.

I could provide a tour of the Walker Mine area. Not much tough off-road trails/roads, but a interesting area, views and history. If there is interest after the Wamp Mission to see the mine area, I will check to see if the tailing are open - 100 acres of sand like mine taillings. A few good "old lookout" peaks in the area as well. And some fishing...

Potatomutato - if you come up early, what day and timeline? We could meet up in Sac or in Neveda City, or alike. What would be a good target base camp?

Hope you can make it.
Im in for whatever. I dont care what I haul.
if i can swing it, i'd like to be up near the Lakes Basin area by Thursday afternoon to set up base camp. that way, i can get a little wheeling in on Friday and kick it by the lake. so if that works for you, let's shoot for that. i should know whether or not i can make it up there that early within the next couple weeks.

Walker Mine sounds interesting. wouldn't mind checking it out.
Do you have a map of the meeting place or gps coordinates?

I have not been to this area before.
i'll be sending out PMs with camping info to those who will be participating as we get closer to the date. it'll include the site of base camp and alternate locations for the camp if the first location is taken. any WAMP organizational details will be provided by opg4759.

i think this is where Camp WAMP is at Hawley Lake. we'll be camping near Gold Lake or further west near Deer Lake.

Google Maps - Hawley Lake:
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