So I'm trying to get myself to frequent these boards more often since I'm moving up to NorCal pretty soon here, thought I'd post up my blacked out Kragen HID's.
I'm really not sure if someone has already done this etc. If they have, sorry for the double post.
But for those of us that don't have TONS of money for high-priced HID's these are a great alternative.
However, I don't like the red rings as they don't match anything on my truck, so with that being said:
Taken from my write-up on the SoCal boards:
So I picked up a couple Kragen 7'' HIDs after some people had told me they're a great deal and they work quite well, especially for the price.
I was lucky and happened to find them on a Manager special from a local Kragen for 89.99 a piece, they're normally 139.99. So I bought all three, my only problem was that I didn't like that they came with a red ring around the light. Nothing else on my truck is red so it looked kind of out of place. I decided to blackout the rings.
After stripping the rings off the lights by removing the 4 face-plate screws I then began to sand all the red away off of the rings leaving me with a clean metallic surface to paint with.
I used 3M masking tape and an Xacto knife to mask off the "HID" symbols. I didn't plan for this, but I forgot that since the HIDs are raised off the surface of the light they have the original red finish in between the raised areas. So when I painted the first ring, I was pleasantly surprised to find that not only as the HID still silver and raised, but it also had a red lettering added to it that was unexpected.
Each light took about 50 minutes or so to mask off each of the four "HID" letterings and to sand down.
I painted them with Rustoleum Gloss Black paint, same stuff I've used for my other black outs, except this time it was gloss and finished with a matte clear coat.
Three-five coats of each before I took them inside to re-mount them.
The original top plate that came on my intense fab bumper wasn't large enough to accommodate the bolts on the HIDs. I can't remember the sizes or difference in sizes for the stock bumper bolts versus the HIDs but I did have to take my dremel out and enlarge the holes in the top plate. Not a big deal what-so-ever, this took about maybe 5 minutes to do all 3 holes.
Time from start to finish with some goofing off and waiting for paint to dry: ~2.5-3 Hours
Hope you guys like it!
Here's the process and finished product:
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