NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

1)Are beadlocks in violation of Ca or Fed DOT laws?

2)Are there any beadlock brands/types that are legal by DOT, hence Ca legal?

This is a question I have seen many  a variety of  answer on, but nothing really specific.

I have also not been able to find DMV statutes on this.   Anyone?

Steve Hope.

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I have beadlocks and did a lot of research before buying them and even called the chp in my area. This is what I learned. Dot is just a guideline or standard. Certain states use these guidelines and pass laws against them. Ie motorcycle helmets. This is for our safety more than anything. Just because something is not dot, doesn't make it illegal.

With regards to rims in california I could not find any law stating that they had to be dot approved. My local chp could not confirm or deny. They suggested following dot guidelines but there is no specific law stating rims must be dot approved. Its a grey area, like lane splitting on a motorcycle. No laws for or against.

The reason why most beadlock wheels are labeled for off road use only is because the manufactures don't want to be held responsible if you are in an accident resulting from failure or improper maintenance.

That being said I would also assume insurance coverage on an accident directly related to beadlock wheels would also be a nightmare.

Heres a link to some basic laws for lifted trucks in California:

Oh, Steve.  I'm pretty sure it is wheel spacers that are illegal in Utah, not necessarily beadlocks.  I checked that when I was in Utah last Fall.

I have the staun internal beadlocks on my steel wheels. I love them. I just need some rock rings so I can protect the rims lip and the very vulnerable valve stem. It's so nice to have 45 psi on both beads while aired down to 10-12 psi. The only thing that looks different about my rims is the extra valve stem.




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