Please let me know if you are interested in joining me Sat 11/28. Bald Mountain is near Shaver Lake, CA.
Trail: Bald Mountain
When: Sun 11/28
Meet Time: 9:00 am
Where: 765 N Temperance Ave, #101, Clovis, CA 93611 - just off of Hyw 168 (Chevron, Subway, Starbucks, )
Contact: 5AND5TORM
Frequency: FRS 7/31
Bald Mountain:
Located in the Pineridge Ranger District, this is a great beginner’s route with a excellent view from Bald Mountain Summit. Bald Mountain is a 7,832 summit that is in close proximity to the Dinkey Creek Campgrounds. This popular OHV route is the only route on the district that is open year-round.
The route is accessible from the south by taking Dinkey Creek Road east from Shaver Lake and at approximately 9.5 miles turning left on Rock Creek Road (9S09). Go north on Rd 9S09 for 3.5 miles to start of the route. Staying right at the first two intersections will put you on the more challenging lower loop. Stay left for the most direct and easier route to the top of Bald Mtn.
To access from the north take Hwy 168 above Shaver Lake to the Tamarack Snow-Park, travel along Rd 9S09 for 3 miles to the intersection of Rd. 9S02. Take Rd. 9S02 south and you will come to the north trailhead in less than 10 minutes. This route is known as the "easy way" to the top of Bald Mountain. Stay right at the first intersection after the trailhead. Many high clearance trucks can reach the top going this way. Left will take you to the lower loop.