NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

I am having a weird issue. My fj connects to phone with an Aux cable. So i got an Aux cable. But pandora only play out of the drivers side speakers. I checked the balance and if I switch them all the way to the right, no sound comes out, only base. I checked with the radio and the speakers work. Any idea whats going on?

I have stock system on a 2008. I checked the setting on pandora and I see nothing that would change this.

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Is the cable well seated to both plugs.  If not completely pushed in, you could get only one channel.   If not that, I'd suspect a bad cable.   Try another device... try another cable. 

+1. Sounds like either the connectors aren't pushed in, or the cable is bad.

agreed it should work try another device or cable or try not using pandora and see if maybe the  app is to blame 




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