NorCal FJs

FJ Cruisers of Northern California

I'm thinking of running it, but I will be the only vehicle, is it very gnarley? I have heard there are two parallel trails, one hard one not so hard. Any info, or pics would be appreciated. Also is there good camping somewhere along the run?


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I found this

The trail looks easy enough looks the So Cal guys run often and some clubs use it for "rookie runs" so you should be good provided you bring recovery equipment and use your head you may want to get some So Cal FJs to join you

good luck and have fun,

Thx Bz

Wikimapia has some great arial shots of the run.

I've done it few months ago, just after the installation of the new bumper. I think I can upload some pics.

The trail is *easy* and the parallel trail, that intersects many times, is moderate+, and the more difficult parts can be bypassed without problems. If you hit the A-trac button and chose decent lines you will have absolutely no problems (always take advices with a grain of salt, of course, but I see from the other pics you are an experienced wheeler)

I didn't check for camping areas, when I went there, over a certain altitude it was so extremely foggy and cold that we didn't feel like stop too much. The run is not very long, even if it's surely fun.

Dirtopia says this trail is ideal for camping:
Thanks Alessio, I'm still doing my research, this helps.
Here the pics I took on the trail, as I said at some point it got very foggy so I do not have many landscapes:
Nice shots!




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